Celestial Communication for Intuition & Self-Authority - ONLINE

Celestial Communication for Intuition & Self-Authority - ONLINE


To live amidst distractions and highly polarized viewpoints requires that we be tapped into our intuition and self-authority in order to live a truthful, loving and fulfilling life.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the amounts of differing information and opinions surrounding you? Have you felt confused and pulled in diverse directions, not knowing where you stand or what is right? Perhaps you’ve doubted yourself or subconsciously felt it’s easier to follow someone else's truth and leadership at the expense of losing your own truth.

To claim your intuition is to claim your self-authority. It is filtering out external expectations and conditioning, trusting your own experience and knowing, and taking responsibility for your life, even when you make mistakes.

This is no small victory. It is everything. And when you begin to practice aligning with your intuition and self-authority, your life dramatically changes in unexpected ways. You may feel uncomfortable or less certain. But you will also feel more free, expressive and energized. Ultimately, you are unleashing and embracing your truest self.

In this workshop, the Celestial Communications we will practice are from Snatam's new album "Heartflow". The first will be "Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad", a powerful and magic mantra. The vibration eliminates negativity and obstacles to reveal your intuition and clarity.

The second Celestial Communication is with "Narayan", which provides deep support for your being. It washes away anything that is not authentic, anything lingering from the past, allowing for release and forgiveness, restoring and refreshing you to begin anew. I find these qualities and vibrations are truly what is needed to live in the now, attached only to the divine and our authentic being, a life of intuition and self-authority.

I invite you to join us to:

  • Clear away negativity, doubt and external influences that have kept you from living from your intuition and self-authority

  • Deeply attune to your inner voice, knowing and clarity

  • Discover how authenticity and self-authority are linked and are keys to your empowerment

  • Take action towards more freedom, expression and energy

This will be a 2-hour workshop with Celestial Communication, journaling and group sharing. We will meet live on Zoom and in-person in Ojai, California. The workshop will be recorded and shared with everyone.

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